Saturday, 16 July 2011


So, in order to get my UK visa I had to follow several procedures. First, I started with the online application- I did this on 3rd July. I did a little mistake, hopefully it won't matter. Second, I had to prepare the completed signed visa form and all the supporting documents- managed to do this in a couple of days. Third, I had to submit them to the visa application cetre which is in Jakarta in person! So this is when I started my journey...

13 July 2011
I headed the train station at exactly 5 in the afternoon. Both my parents came, along with both my sisters-in-law, my second brother, and my two nephews and niece. We got to the station at 7 o'clock and my train departed at 8. I was kind of a bit excited and worried at the same time. This was exciting as this would be my very first journey to Jakarta. However I was worried about being alone during the trip. Here is some photos I managed to take,

14 July 2011
The train reached Gambir station at 7 in the morning. A friend of mine was already there to pick me up. Then it took us about an hour to reach the boarding house- the place where I was going to stay. I already hate Jakarta! It was hot, crowded, dirty, noisy. I just don't like it.

At 12 o'clock, I went to the UK visa application centre which is on the 22nd floor of Plaza Abda. It was quick! It took me not more than 45 minutes to finish the whole stuff. The officers were very polite. I like them. Then I went back to the boarding house.

At night, I went to the nearest mall as I saw it had a bookstore there. I managed to treat myself three good books- two of them were the ones I had been searching for which I just couldn't find in Malang. I was so glad I bought them!

15 July 2011
I did nothing but watched VCD. I didn't feel like going anywhere as I started feeling so homesick. All I could think about was getting on a train and getting home. Thank GOD Friday went so quickly that it was finally time to get to the station!

It was 5 in the afternoon when I reached Gambir. I managed to go to Tugu Monas and had some pictures taken. Here they are,

Goodbye, Jakarta! It was lovely to be actually there for once, don't feel like coming back again though. No offense! LOL


  1. there's nothing i'd like to say....i love ur body shape..huehehehehe :D


Saturday, 16 July 2011


So, in order to get my UK visa I had to follow several procedures. First, I started with the online application- I did this on 3rd July. I did a little mistake, hopefully it won't matter. Second, I had to prepare the completed signed visa form and all the supporting documents- managed to do this in a couple of days. Third, I had to submit them to the visa application cetre which is in Jakarta in person! So this is when I started my journey...

13 July 2011
I headed the train station at exactly 5 in the afternoon. Both my parents came, along with both my sisters-in-law, my second brother, and my two nephews and niece. We got to the station at 7 o'clock and my train departed at 8. I was kind of a bit excited and worried at the same time. This was exciting as this would be my very first journey to Jakarta. However I was worried about being alone during the trip. Here is some photos I managed to take,

14 July 2011
The train reached Gambir station at 7 in the morning. A friend of mine was already there to pick me up. Then it took us about an hour to reach the boarding house- the place where I was going to stay. I already hate Jakarta! It was hot, crowded, dirty, noisy. I just don't like it.

At 12 o'clock, I went to the UK visa application centre which is on the 22nd floor of Plaza Abda. It was quick! It took me not more than 45 minutes to finish the whole stuff. The officers were very polite. I like them. Then I went back to the boarding house.

At night, I went to the nearest mall as I saw it had a bookstore there. I managed to treat myself three good books- two of them were the ones I had been searching for which I just couldn't find in Malang. I was so glad I bought them!

15 July 2011
I did nothing but watched VCD. I didn't feel like going anywhere as I started feeling so homesick. All I could think about was getting on a train and getting home. Thank GOD Friday went so quickly that it was finally time to get to the station!

It was 5 in the afternoon when I reached Gambir. I managed to go to Tugu Monas and had some pictures taken. Here they are,

Goodbye, Jakarta! It was lovely to be actually there for once, don't feel like coming back again though. No offense! LOL


  1. there's nothing i'd like to say....i love ur body shape..huehehehehe :D
