Sunday, 26 June 2011

Love the Boy- Jorge Lorenzo

Every girl would die for this boy! Well okay, probably not every but MANY girls- including me! I so love this spartan! I mean, look at his face, so handsome, so cute, gorgeous. And I definitely love looking at his shirtless body as in the picture- so hotttt! LOL

How a boy could be this perfect! To be honest, he makes my heart beats faster every time I see him on the telly. Am I nuts? Could I possibly fall in love with a public figure like him? ROFL

Jorge Lorenzo, you're totally driving me crazy!

Friday, 24 June 2011


dear LOVE,

i miss the rush to pick up your call...

i miss that excitement when you're asking me out...

i miss that silly thing I do everytime we're having a conversation on the phone...

i miss that unpleasent feeling when we argue...

i miss that lovely weird smile on my face when I read what you write...

i miss seeing your name popping on the screen when my phone ring...

i miss the urge to text you back...

i miss the pride I feel when we walk side by side...

i miss the moment when you ignore me everytime you get upset...

i miss your anger when you get jealous...

i miss the anxiety when you don't reply my message...

i miss hearing you talk about your bad days...

i miss the jealousy when i see you talk to another girl..

i miss the happiness when we spend the nights together...

i miss our fights and the silence that follows...

i miss all those feelings, all those moments...

but i don't miss YOU...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Video of My Life

I was off sick from school today. I have had the flu which was very very annoying. I really should be wiser to my body. I have always known that if I got too tired, I would instantly get ill. There's nothing I could do though. No one would do my things anyway.

Well that's obviously not the point. So I was so bored on the bed that I got up and covered myself with a very thick blanket (tried to protect myself from the cold weather) then sat on that very chair in front of my parents' bedroom. I turned on the laptop and did some browsing on windows movie maker (have desperately wanted to know how to make such video from a collection of pictures) and found out that it was not that hard at all.

So after a couple of hours struggling with strained eyes, I managed to finish this silly lovely thing. Check out my video, guys!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

pesan singkat seorang teman

din, suka banget baca blogmu..
your dreams & your goals membuat orang yang membacanya perlu menata lagi apa target kita dalam hidup ini dan perlunya menuangkan mimpi dan tujuan kita dalam sebuah catatan....(buat aku terutama)
very simple tp kadang malas melakukannya...
secara tidak langsung tulisanmu menginspirasi pembacanya...
mimpimu sederhana tapi bisa mewujudkannya merupakan kepuasan yang tak ternilai.. nice to be your friend ^_^

Itu adalah pesan singkat dari seorang teman di akun facebook-ku beberapa bulan yang lalu. Membacanya membuatku semakin yakin bahwa setiap orang pasti mempunyai mimpi dan target dalam hidunya, entah setinggi ataupun sesederhana apakah mimpi dan target tersebut. Yang membedakan adalah usaha untuk meraihnya. Mimpi dan target itu sendiri pun jelas merupakan dua hal yang berbeda. Saat kau bisa menentukan langkah-langkah apa yang harus kau ambil, serta strategi apa yang bisa kau terapkan untuk meraih sesuatu, maka itu adalah target. Sedangkan ketika kau terkadang dipaksa untuk bergantung pada faktor keberuntungan dalam usaha-usahamu itu, maka yang sedang kau tuju adalah sebuah mimpi.

Terkadang orang hanya memikirkan target tanpa memedulikan mimpi. Begitu juga sebaliknya, ada yang terlalu sibuk bermimpi tanpa menentukan target. Buat aku pribadi, hidup akan jauh lebih menarik untuk dijalani kalau kita mempunyai keseimbangan antara target dan mimpi. Seandainya seseorang hanya berkutat dengan target, mereka tidak akan mempunyai kesempatan untuk percaya pada kebesaran Sang Pencipta. Mereka tidak akan pernah tahu kesenangan saat memimpikan hal-hal paling indah dan mengagumkan dalam hidup yang singkat ini. Di saat seperti itu, hidup akan menjadi tidak lebih dari sebuah rutinitas yang harus dijalani dengan pola yang membosankan. Tapi sebaliknya jika seseorang terlalu sibuk dengan mimpi, hidup akan terasa seperti dalam sebuah mini seri di televisi, tidak ada yang benar-benar bisa kau pegang, karena semua hanya mimpi yang entah kapan akan jadi kenyataan. Kau pun akan melewatkan detil-detil dalam hidup yang justru mungkin bisa menjadikan hidupmu lebih baik.

Sekarang yang harus dilakukan adalah membangun jembatan untuk menghubungkan keduanya. Dengan begitu, kita bisa melangkahkan kaki dari target ke mimpi atau sebaliknya dengan mudah. Karena pada akhirnya, target bisa saja tidak terpenuhi sedangkan mimpi bisa saja jadi kenyataan.

Terima Kasih Pipit Indahyani karena sudah memberikan aku satu lagi alasan untuk terus menulis demi target dan mimpi-mimpiku. Semoga kau bisa menata mana target hidup dan mimpimu. xxx

Finding the source of your pain ...

It’s been two years since the last time I saw him. Many things have changed, including my feeling. If you asked me how I feel right now, I would say I am okay. But if you asked me the same question probably a year ago, you would get a totally different answer. The thing is maybe because I have now (eventually) realized that I had nothing to lose. What I thought I lost yesterday was never really mine. We were just two persons who fell in love back then who decided to let each other be parts of our days simply because we wanted to. There was neither agreement nor compromise. We were simply volunteering. So when it was over that very moment, we had no right to put the blame on any body just because we thought we had them. We should have been grateful for the fact that for that very short time, we managed to have them in our lives instead.

However, it was never easy for me to accept the theory. Why should I be grateful for someone who had caused me so much misery and pain? Who had made me cried almost every single night? I must have been such an idiot if I did so. So that is when I started blaming myself for everything which had happened. I kept thinking there was no one else who deserved the ‘karma’ but me. I thought by doing so I would feel secure as I could always find a way to punish myself, just to make me feel better. I found it so wrong eventually. I just could not blame myself for something I never did. I was hurt too. How could I be punished if I felt miserable myself?

Somewhat I still felt the pain, though at a certain degree it was obviously different, but I knew it was still there. It was never really gone, it was just disguised. Then I came to realize that you would never ever get cope with the pain so easily. There would always things which remind you of it. Then everything would feel as painful as it used to be. I read a book that night, when it suddenly struck me. Hey it was not the person, it was not what I had because what I actually had was nothing but a mess and a mistake. It was the better version of what I thought I could have. So it was like you fell twice. You lost both what you thought you had and the better version of it. How could I possibly be fine when in fact I was already such a wreck? I guess it was so normal back then if I cried, screamed and even swore. No body seemed to understand but thank God I did understand. It was easier when you knew what was wrong so you knew exactly where to start the healing.

Here I am now, very proud of my self for being able to drag me in and (finally) out of the horrible state one could possibly be. I believe there are so many people out there who used to be or are in the same situation that makes it so ordinary. What is out of the ordinary is the way you deal with it. Keep fighting, folks! If you think you still have no idea how to get rid of the pain, just leave it to the real healer, GOD.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Love the Boy- Jorge Lorenzo

Every girl would die for this boy! Well okay, probably not every but MANY girls- including me! I so love this spartan! I mean, look at his face, so handsome, so cute, gorgeous. And I definitely love looking at his shirtless body as in the picture- so hotttt! LOL

How a boy could be this perfect! To be honest, he makes my heart beats faster every time I see him on the telly. Am I nuts? Could I possibly fall in love with a public figure like him? ROFL

Jorge Lorenzo, you're totally driving me crazy!

Friday, 24 June 2011


dear LOVE,

i miss the rush to pick up your call...

i miss that excitement when you're asking me out...

i miss that silly thing I do everytime we're having a conversation on the phone...

i miss that unpleasent feeling when we argue...

i miss that lovely weird smile on my face when I read what you write...

i miss seeing your name popping on the screen when my phone ring...

i miss the urge to text you back...

i miss the pride I feel when we walk side by side...

i miss the moment when you ignore me everytime you get upset...

i miss your anger when you get jealous...

i miss the anxiety when you don't reply my message...

i miss hearing you talk about your bad days...

i miss the jealousy when i see you talk to another girl..

i miss the happiness when we spend the nights together...

i miss our fights and the silence that follows...

i miss all those feelings, all those moments...

but i don't miss YOU...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Video of My Life

I was off sick from school today. I have had the flu which was very very annoying. I really should be wiser to my body. I have always known that if I got too tired, I would instantly get ill. There's nothing I could do though. No one would do my things anyway.

Well that's obviously not the point. So I was so bored on the bed that I got up and covered myself with a very thick blanket (tried to protect myself from the cold weather) then sat on that very chair in front of my parents' bedroom. I turned on the laptop and did some browsing on windows movie maker (have desperately wanted to know how to make such video from a collection of pictures) and found out that it was not that hard at all.

So after a couple of hours struggling with strained eyes, I managed to finish this silly lovely thing. Check out my video, guys!

Saturday, 4 June 2011

pesan singkat seorang teman

din, suka banget baca blogmu..
your dreams & your goals membuat orang yang membacanya perlu menata lagi apa target kita dalam hidup ini dan perlunya menuangkan mimpi dan tujuan kita dalam sebuah catatan....(buat aku terutama)
very simple tp kadang malas melakukannya...
secara tidak langsung tulisanmu menginspirasi pembacanya...
mimpimu sederhana tapi bisa mewujudkannya merupakan kepuasan yang tak ternilai.. nice to be your friend ^_^

Itu adalah pesan singkat dari seorang teman di akun facebook-ku beberapa bulan yang lalu. Membacanya membuatku semakin yakin bahwa setiap orang pasti mempunyai mimpi dan target dalam hidunya, entah setinggi ataupun sesederhana apakah mimpi dan target tersebut. Yang membedakan adalah usaha untuk meraihnya. Mimpi dan target itu sendiri pun jelas merupakan dua hal yang berbeda. Saat kau bisa menentukan langkah-langkah apa yang harus kau ambil, serta strategi apa yang bisa kau terapkan untuk meraih sesuatu, maka itu adalah target. Sedangkan ketika kau terkadang dipaksa untuk bergantung pada faktor keberuntungan dalam usaha-usahamu itu, maka yang sedang kau tuju adalah sebuah mimpi.

Terkadang orang hanya memikirkan target tanpa memedulikan mimpi. Begitu juga sebaliknya, ada yang terlalu sibuk bermimpi tanpa menentukan target. Buat aku pribadi, hidup akan jauh lebih menarik untuk dijalani kalau kita mempunyai keseimbangan antara target dan mimpi. Seandainya seseorang hanya berkutat dengan target, mereka tidak akan mempunyai kesempatan untuk percaya pada kebesaran Sang Pencipta. Mereka tidak akan pernah tahu kesenangan saat memimpikan hal-hal paling indah dan mengagumkan dalam hidup yang singkat ini. Di saat seperti itu, hidup akan menjadi tidak lebih dari sebuah rutinitas yang harus dijalani dengan pola yang membosankan. Tapi sebaliknya jika seseorang terlalu sibuk dengan mimpi, hidup akan terasa seperti dalam sebuah mini seri di televisi, tidak ada yang benar-benar bisa kau pegang, karena semua hanya mimpi yang entah kapan akan jadi kenyataan. Kau pun akan melewatkan detil-detil dalam hidup yang justru mungkin bisa menjadikan hidupmu lebih baik.

Sekarang yang harus dilakukan adalah membangun jembatan untuk menghubungkan keduanya. Dengan begitu, kita bisa melangkahkan kaki dari target ke mimpi atau sebaliknya dengan mudah. Karena pada akhirnya, target bisa saja tidak terpenuhi sedangkan mimpi bisa saja jadi kenyataan.

Terima Kasih Pipit Indahyani karena sudah memberikan aku satu lagi alasan untuk terus menulis demi target dan mimpi-mimpiku. Semoga kau bisa menata mana target hidup dan mimpimu. xxx

Finding the source of your pain ...

It’s been two years since the last time I saw him. Many things have changed, including my feeling. If you asked me how I feel right now, I would say I am okay. But if you asked me the same question probably a year ago, you would get a totally different answer. The thing is maybe because I have now (eventually) realized that I had nothing to lose. What I thought I lost yesterday was never really mine. We were just two persons who fell in love back then who decided to let each other be parts of our days simply because we wanted to. There was neither agreement nor compromise. We were simply volunteering. So when it was over that very moment, we had no right to put the blame on any body just because we thought we had them. We should have been grateful for the fact that for that very short time, we managed to have them in our lives instead.

However, it was never easy for me to accept the theory. Why should I be grateful for someone who had caused me so much misery and pain? Who had made me cried almost every single night? I must have been such an idiot if I did so. So that is when I started blaming myself for everything which had happened. I kept thinking there was no one else who deserved the ‘karma’ but me. I thought by doing so I would feel secure as I could always find a way to punish myself, just to make me feel better. I found it so wrong eventually. I just could not blame myself for something I never did. I was hurt too. How could I be punished if I felt miserable myself?

Somewhat I still felt the pain, though at a certain degree it was obviously different, but I knew it was still there. It was never really gone, it was just disguised. Then I came to realize that you would never ever get cope with the pain so easily. There would always things which remind you of it. Then everything would feel as painful as it used to be. I read a book that night, when it suddenly struck me. Hey it was not the person, it was not what I had because what I actually had was nothing but a mess and a mistake. It was the better version of what I thought I could have. So it was like you fell twice. You lost both what you thought you had and the better version of it. How could I possibly be fine when in fact I was already such a wreck? I guess it was so normal back then if I cried, screamed and even swore. No body seemed to understand but thank God I did understand. It was easier when you knew what was wrong so you knew exactly where to start the healing.

Here I am now, very proud of my self for being able to drag me in and (finally) out of the horrible state one could possibly be. I believe there are so many people out there who used to be or are in the same situation that makes it so ordinary. What is out of the ordinary is the way you deal with it. Keep fighting, folks! If you think you still have no idea how to get rid of the pain, just leave it to the real healer, GOD.